I just have an amazing miracle i'd like to share :) Stay tuned!!
There is this family that we are working with, and they are so amazing! It's a family of 5 and they live in a place called Lockland, Ohio. Now everybody in our area does not know how to keep commitments, and they have never had to in their whole life, but we expect them to keep them every single time we invite them. It kinda reminds me of Coach Carter, the basketball movie. All of those kids have no idea how to stay at class, get good grades, or even be committed to something. But the coach set a high expectation and didn't settle for anything less, because he knew that they all needed to get a college education. See we have the same thing in mind! We know that baptism can change their life, and we have such a high expectation set with them, that we do not want them to settle for anything less.
If you can remember when i shared the story of the "Win The Dad" Situation when we pulled weeds for Andre, that was the beginning of the heart softening. A couple days ago on Saturday, we brought this family into a members home and had dinner with them! They had the time of their life, and the kids kept saying, "wow, this house is so big! it's so big!" They have never been in a decent home before, so it was a pretty cool experience for them to see a normal sized house, and also to feel the spirit that was there! But they committed to come to church the following day, and they were set on it! We stopped by in the morning and the mom, Petrice, said "Yes, all the kids took their baths and are getting their stuff ready." They were on their way!!! So we head to church and we were saving seats, all ready for them, then we get a text saying they weren't coming because she had gotten sick.... She had "worried herself sick"!!! Then we left after we took the Sacrament and drove over to get them going. Elder Seegmiller and I go in and just start getting all the kids clothes on! haha, ironing shirts, pulling the pants onto to 2 year old, and getting the dad ready! It was funny because when we got there, they all were like alright lets get ready! haha so it was a scramble!! But lo and behold, we got them all ready and downstairs and 'bout to go. But before we left we gave Petrice a blessing, and it really calmed her down, so that was amazing!
They came to church, absolutely loved it, and to put the cherry on top, we had an awesome Linger Longer after church with some dang good food! :)
When Nephi says, " 23 For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do." He really means it! haha!! We did all that we could do, and then Grace was poured out upon that family! Truly a miracle!!
"Miracles are everywhere to be found, when Priesthood duties are magnified! When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving" - President Thomas S. Monson
Love y'all!! -Elder Bloxham
A couple more pictures from Kentucky |
The second night i was in Montgomery, we had to retrieve our love sac back from missionaries that stole it from our apartment! haha so we fit that bugger in the back of G storms car and the only spot for Seegmiller was to smush up in the back and i had to shove him in with the door! it was supppper funny! |
We saw a pretty sweet castle when i was on exchanges! And then of course i want to fish this river! i've heard they've got some alligator gar in it! That'd be pretty awesome! |